Thursday, April 24, 2008


One's looking at me and the other is looking out the window. There are many species of orchids, this is one of them. I have no idea what this particular orchid is called. But our botany students grew this one at work. I took this picture of it sitting in my office window! These are two separate flowers/two long stems on the same plant. This plant sat in the greenhouse pretty much ignored until someone dug it out and tended to it.

So, the view you see in the background is what I see everyday with the lake in the background. Some days I'll stand and just look out my office window and appreciate the beautifulness.

The road you see I walk along every morning on my way to my office. I think about the hustle and bustle of people on their way to work in the big cities, dealing with hoardes of people, cars and other traffic, crowding into elevators, breathing on each other.

Most mornings, I'm the only one in the elevator except for the occasional maintenance person doing his job checking that the elevator is working properly, enjoying the same peacefulness.

This is when I truly appreciate where I work. It is so peaceful.


Anonymous said...

You are one of the lucky ones to be fortunate enough to have such a nice place and environment to work under. Thank yourself that you don't have to work at the 'snake pit' on the reservation. Take a good look at the people who are employees at Bois Forte, theres stress written all over their faces!

Niijii said...

I consider myself really lucky to have good, positive co-workers and a good boss.