Sunday, November 16, 2008

Orv and Gwii Video

Here they are, probably a good thing Orville was on the outside looking in - watching Gwii chow down on his food. After they left and he came in, he wouldn't touch his food for a while just sniff around his dish. But since he's part gookoosh, he did end up cleaning up the rest of the food later. He was funny though the rest of the evening, he was pretty jumpy and on guard - like he was waiting to get jumped or something.


Anonymous said...

Wow he's rally spotted huh? nona

B.J. said...

Ooooh my cat would have none of that if somebody else ate her food.

Anonymous said...

You can tell Orville is an experienced outdoorsman, he must have tangled with many predators while living outside, this past summer. He sure had alot of battlescars to show for it. Maybe he thought Gwii was just another skunk.

Freedom said...

He is soooooo cute!